Wednesday, 10 March 2021


 The western genre is usually set in the mid 18th century until about the early 19th century in the old west. It can be found in other countries and other genres such as science fiction, comedy and horror. The popularity of the genre took of in the late 1930s and the 40s when major studios started to have success with these westerns with the peak era in the 50s. All western films began to get more violent in the 60s and 70s and developed themes where the hero motive's were not as heroic as it was in the early western films. Recent popular films include Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained and the hateful eight and the film No Country for Old Men. The typical setting for a western is with a mountain, desert known as the wild west.

In most Westerns, two binary opposite characters have a showdown in the middle of the desert. A close up shot is used to show there hand hovering over their holster ready to shoot. A close up shot is also used to show their eyes as they are ready to shoot. 

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