Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Meshes in the afternoon


- A hand is shown to place a flower on the ground.

Thee is a shadow around the garden. 

In the film, death is shown to be a silent killer always behind her. This 'mirror-like person could be her husband. Some events are repeated throughout the film which suggests it's a dream. The establishing location for this is a 1940s garden with the old fashioned telephone giving the setting away. The film ends with the woman dead and the ending is open up to interpretation as we are left wondering 'Did she commit suicide? or did the strange figure murder her?'. Originally there was no soundtrack to it at all but later on after the film had been released, they added in a soundtrack. This is an experimental film as it pushes the boundaries of filming. Lynch was inspired by this short film and went on to direct classics like 'The Grandmother' in 1970 and 'Blue Velvet' in 1986. This inspired the Grandmother with the use of black and white in these films.  There is a binary opposite of the nightmarish vs the ordinary in this film and this contrast would be seen in Lynch's films. When we get a close up shot of the women's eyes they slowly close as we get a POV shot of her eyelids closing. This is the point where it turns for being reality to a dream. W e then get  shot of a figure with mirror for a face which adds to the dreamlike state she's in. We then get a shot of a knife on the stairs. We see she is being blown away in a claustrophobic, trapped like position. This links to the title with mesh being used to trap things in it. We get another POV shot off the woman looking down at her sleeping body from above. This is known as an out-of-body experience for the character. We then see the mysterious cloaked figure walking up the stairs but very slowly as he places a flower onto her bed. This could represent the mirrored figure as a grim reaper or as someone coming to mourn her on her deathbed. I believe the crisis occurs when she falls asleep and that cloaked figure is walking up the stairs slowly. The whole point of this was to get an emotional response out of the viewer or make them feel trapped or claustrophobic which links to 'meshes' in the title which is used to trap things in it. They use subjective camera editing with POV shots throughout when she is looking down at her sleeping body.

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