Shot List
-Begins with an establishing shot in the forest to show the location of the action. This establishes the forest as the main setting of the film.
-In the opening, an extreme wide-shot will be used to get a scale of the forest so the audience can take in the setting as this forest will be used for most of my film.
- There is a POV shot of a frightened Terry running from the Android. We see him grab his gun from within his pocket when he is down.
-The camera follows the character through the woods as we get a POV shot of the Android.
- An overhead shot will be used, looking down on my characters. This is to create a sense of scale.
- A full-shot will be used so we get to see the Android in more detail.
We get a low level of shot of the android standing above Terry in a dominant way looking down at Terry as the Android is superior, making Terry look inferior looking up at him.
-When Terry falls on the muddy ground, a medium close-up shot will be used which shows the character from the shoulders up which allows to see the characters expression.
-Another medium close-up will be used when the Android takes off his head. This is the shot that reveals he's an Android.
- When Terry falls on the muddy ground, a medium close-up shot will be used which shows the character from the shoulders up which allows to see the characters expression.
-Another medium close-up will be used when the Android takes off his head. This is the shot that reveals he's an Android.
- We get an Extreme close-up shot of Stevie's lips as he say's an important line.
- When another android walks out of the hollow cave, Terry spins around in shock. For this, I will use a whip pan shot, moving the camera from one shot to another creating a blur.
- A cowboy shot is used to Frame the gun in Terry's pocket.
- A Full shot will be used to show the Android walking towards Terry.
-An establishing shot is used again when we change location from the woodland to the underground bunker.
- An overhead shot will be used to show Terry outside of the underground bunker with his hands gripped on the bars.
- A tracking shot will be used to follow Terry through the woods using a hand-held camera. <-a a="" an="" and="" android.="" android="" androids="" another="" army="" as="" at="" be="" belongs="" burnt="" button="" by="" can="" cave.="" close-up="" created.="" end="" ending="" enter="" extreme="" find="" flashback="" for="" free="" gate="" get="" grabs="" hand="" he="" high="" him="" hip-level="" his="" important="" in="" into="" inventing="" is="" it="" lab.="" lever="" line.="" lips="" nbsp="" neck="" night.="" of="" off.="" off="" on="" p="" pulling="" reaching="" revealing="" reveals="" s="" say="" scene="" self-destruct="" setting="" shot="" shoulders="" show="" skin="" so="" stevie="" survived="" switch.="" switch="" switching="" terry="" that="" the="" they="" this="" to="" trying="" twist="" unlock="" used="" waist="" way="" we="" when="" which="" will="" with="" working="">-a>
- We get an Extreme close-up shot of Stevie's lips as he say's an important line.
- When Stevie and Terry turn around to see the third android, will use a whip-pan.
-When we see the switch on Terry's neck, revealing that h's an Android, I will use an extreme close-up shot on this.
For the Android, I will use a person to be the android. I made the android less robotic and more human-like by them wearing hoodies. Each android will wear a different coloured hoodie so you can distinguish them from each other and so they don't all look alike. The main Android wears a red hoodie.
The hoodies will be useful as it confers that the story is set on Earth and not on an unknown planet which would be more difficult to accomplish a set for another off-world planet.
For Terry, he'll be wearing a white coat that represents a lab coat as he is a scientist that created the android. This coat will show Terry has an important status as he is a scientist.
- A full-shot will be used to show the yellow hooded Android staring at Terry and Stevie where it will focus on the Android in shot instead of the forest around him.
- An enigma code in this film is presented at the start when the Android is chasing Terry through the woods and we don't know the reason.
- Another twist ending revealed is that Terry is in fact an Android who was created by the Android chasing him. There are clues which suggest this including Terry spilling coffee on himself and sparks fly off him but does not notice this. This is revealed when the Android digs into Terry's neck to reveal a switch.
- Most of my film takes place in the woods with the two characters- the Android and Terry (it's creator) so I will film these scenes in a woodland area in Westerham. There is a cave in these woods with a gate blocking the entrance which will be used to show Terry running into it. The cave will be used for an underground bunker in the film. This cave will also be used at the end to show the twist ending that there are more Androids that we didn't know about.
-I have done a location scout at Westerham woods which is where most of my film takes place in. I will have to wait to dark until I film takes place in the evening.
- There will also be a scene in a Lab where we see Terry invent the android as well as the self-destruct button. This could be filmed in a kitchen as I have no access to an actual lab.
- Gun prop which you make yourself. It will be used for Terry to shoot the Android.
- Self-destruct button prop.
- A red laser beam will shoot from the Android's arm.
- Two plastic knives which the Android will use on Terry.
- Fake blood to put on Terry's neck.
- Fake CCTV camera that will be used to spy on Terry.
- Masks which I will use for the face of the Android.
- Green, orange and blue hoodies which I will use for each Android to distinguish them from one another and give the Androids a modern look.